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tv   CNN Saturday Morning  CNN  January 1, 2011 6:00am-7:30am EST

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so wipe the tables down and put up the chairs. that's it for 2010. i'm tom foreman, thanks for being here from all of us at cnn and "ac 360." we wish you all the best and none of the worst in 2011. -- captions by vitac -- welcome to 2011. the new year dropped into times square amid tight security. we had every acorn, stiletto, peach and acorn that helped ring out the old and ring in the new. twisters start off the new year.
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after a line of deadly storms tore through five states, we are live in one community, reeling from a rare new year's eve disaster. from cnn center, this is "cnn saturday morning." it's january 1, 2011. good morning, i'm joe johns. thanks for spending your new year's with us. a new year's plan all planned out. which are the prime targets ahead. upset stomach, signs you partied too hard last night. there's all kind of signs to cure it. what really works? we separate truth from fiction. why are these people dancing in the streets instead of their own new year's eve party? the story coming up. the new year begins on a
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deadly note. six people died in a severe weather outbreak that raked across five states. in missouri, three people were killed as winds blew through dent county. at least one of the storms in missouri was a tornado. meteorologist jennifer dell ga doe from cnn international is live in sunset hills this morning. jennifer, the governor is planning to tour the disaster area, right? >> reporter: that's right. i am live in sunset hills. this area was hit one of the hardest from the storm system that came through. six people left dead, three in oregon and three in missouri. we are live at the scene. behind us, we have the emergency crews out there and crews actually trying to restore the power and clean things up. i want to show the damage left behind in sunset hills.
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homes were leveled, trees knocked down. this is the damage left behind from an ef-3 tornado. it's winds up to 165 miles per hour. there is a possibility it could have been an ef-3. the national weather service is going to send another team out today to survey the damage. we have sound from a woman who was not at home when the storm hit. when she came home, this is what she found. >> everything is gone. there's nothing left. maybe a few of my son's toys that i may be able to salvage. the christmas tree was still up. everything we have and everything i owned is gone. >> reporter: that's right. you heard that woman saying that everything was gone. when she came home, the christmas tree, everything was tossed around.
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now, i have more video, this is coming out of raleigh, missouri. reportedly, three people died in that region. two in phelps county. actually an ef-1 touched down in that region. this is an area that was pretty heavily populated located two hours outside of st. louis. two people died when their trailer home was destroyed when the storm system came through yesterday. it started off and initially made touchdown then came through fenton, then came through sunset hills. john. >> jennifer, now, you actually were in the area right around the time all of this happened. give us a sense of why you were there and what you saw and heard. >> reporter: that's right. i'm actually in town visiting family here. i'm kind of a late sleeper. it was 11:40 central time. i heard a loud noise coming
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through. i know it's a cliche, you hear a loud noise, i looked outside, everything was blowing around. we had a tornado touch down across the area. there's a lot of damage in that region. sunset hills was the hardest hit. reynolds wolf is in the weather center. he's going to talk more about the weather today. >> thanks so much. jennifer, on the scene for us. we will get to reynolds wolf in a couple minutes. in northwest arkansas, three people died in the small town of cincinnati. two in what used to be a house. an 88-year-old man and his wife were killed. at least a dozen were hospitalized. homes, buildings and a fire station damaged. emergency crews will assess the
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extent of that damage later. we'll get the latest on the situation in a few minutes. we'll talk live with a local red cross official at quarter past the hour. now, i want to talk to reynolds wolf about the deadly tornado. jennifer was referring to the ef scale. i'm unfamiliar with that. could you take us through what that means? >> absolutely, my man. i know you have been in tv for a long time. you have heard of the scale for the hurricanes. basically, it is a measurement of damage, structural damage when you have a tornado. they were very strong. 160 miles an hour winds they estimate. it's the equivalent of a hurricane. the problem is, we are not done
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yet. the storm system is chugging to the east. it's causing problems in kentucky, alabama. tuscaloosa we have intense cells. we have a tornado for georgia, alabama, mississippi and louisiana until 10:00 central time. we have a couple warnings popping up. there's no visual confirmation at this time in terms of tornado warnings. there are supercells, thunderstorms that are possible for creating a thunderstorm. if you are in the watch area, it is the time to think about your surroundings and have a plan if the tornado keeps going. meanwhile, this is the problem. this is the storm system. it stretches from the great lakes to the gulf of mexico. ahead of it, strong thunderstorms and possible tornadoes. back half of it, blizzard-like conditions where you have snow,
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18-14 inches of snow possible. a rush of cold air. how cold? read it and weep. 6:30, these times are eastern, it's going to feel like 13 degrees below zero. 5 in kansas city. 15 in rapid city, 22 below in bismarck and 12 below in denver. that's a wrap. we have so much to share with you this morning. for now, most of the news is bad. >> funny, we were talking about the big storm that started on the west coast. we thought we were going to see it here, instead we got tornadoes and blowing wind. >> we did. >> thank you, reynolds wolf. a million people watched that live. millions more around the world on tv as new york city welcomed in 2011. this is perhaps the best known
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new year's eve celebration in the world along with the huge crystal ball, 12 feet in diameter, more than a ton of confetti rained down. that is only the start for clean-up crews. partiers left behind tons more trash. police removed the trash containers for the security plan. there was no place to get rid of it but the street. in raleigh, north carolina, instead of a crystal ball, they dropped a giant acorn. north carolina has unique new year's eves. they drop a flea, a giant beach ball an illuminated pickle and the lowering of a possum. they had fireworks. always a crowd favorite. nashville dropped a ten-foot
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gibson guitar. then what else would you drop in the capital of country music? what else would you drop in a music town? when the guitar hit bottom, it triggers cheers and fireworks as people said good-bye to 2010 and hello to a new year. in afghanistan, a new year. the new year began. a minibus hit a mine in the southern part of the country thursday. some american troops were able to set aside the war for a little while and celebrate the new year. 400 soldiers threw a party at nato headquarters in kabul. the troops supplied the smiles. homeland security secretary janet napolitano spent the new years with them. her visit has significance. she reviewed security operations
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with pakistan. her goal is to stop the smuggling of weapons and explosives in afghanistan. she'll meet with senior officials there during her trip. a new year's eve tornado tears through arkansas destroying dozens of homes. we'll ask the red cross what resident there is need the most. fight back fast with tums. calcium rich tums goes to work in seconds. nothing works faster. ♪ tum ta tum tum tums how'd you do that? do what? you made it taste like chocolate. it has 35% of your daily value of fiber. tasty fiber, that's a good one! ok, her mind. [ male announcer ] fiber one chewy bars.
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let's get more on our top
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story this morning. the deadly severe weather outbreak that ripped through the southwest leaving six people dead. three of the fatalities occurred in northwest arkansas. we'll show you video from the scene. we want to talk to michael spencer from the red cross joining me by phone for an update on the situation. good morning, michael. what can you tell us? any update on injuries or fatalities? >> reporter: well, good morning. 24 hours later the storm ripped through. the community is just beginning to wake up. the numbers pretty much stayed consistent for the last few hours from what we are seeing right now. >> i would expect there was a lot of people at temporary shelters and such. any update on that? are a lot of people out of homes, displaced?
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where are you putting them? what are we talking about. >> caller: a couple dozen homes were destroyed. most of the disaster victims stayed with family and friends last night. we had a shelter on stand by. we didn't have to open the shelter. the community is really pulling together to help each other from what i saw yesterday, actually. >> was the warning system pretty good? did a lot of people get the news there was a problem in time to do something about it or did they get caught flat-footed? >> caller: most of the people i talked to, the only warning they heard was the sound of the storm itself. when you hear that sound, it's too late. a lot of people did not. a lot of people said i wish i had a weather radio. we encourage people year round to have an emergency weather radio to sound a siren for you.
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>> there may be other supplies you may need in the area. are you getting the kind of supplies you need beyond the weather radios or what have you? >> caller: yeah, we are getting supplied moved in from throughout the state of arkansas. the community is really pulling together. it's been great. we are making sure that everyone out here has a hot meal and a warm place to stay. we will set up today and meet with the families one-on-one to talk to them and help them plan the steps to recovery. >> thank you for joining us early on this new year's day. a sad start for folks there in your area. thanks so much for all you do. again, if you want to help victims of the storm, go to say good-bye to e-mail spam. it's so 2010.
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cyber criminals are getting much more sophisticated. you and facebook could be the number one target in 2011. and when it does, men with erectile dysfunction can be more confident in their ability to be ready with cialis for daily use. ♪ cialis for daily use is a clinically proven low-dose tablet you take every day so you can be ready anytime the moment's right. ♪ tell your doctor about your medical condition and all medications, and ask if you're healthy enough for sexual activity. don't take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. [ man ] do not drink alcohol in excess with cialis. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache, or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than 4 hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, stop taking cialis and call your doctor right away. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor if cialis for daily use is right for you. for a 30-tablet free trial offer,
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go to with the new year comes a new warning about cyber attacks. this year the targets could be social media and your smartphone. josh levs is here to talk about it. >> there are people all over the world trying to come up with
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ways to infiltrate your computer. we have the annual report from mcafee, the threat for addictions. there's been a significant drop in spammers targeting e-mail accounts. people are going elsewhere, like facebook. they are predicting instant messaging services, facebook, four square and url shorteners are doing it. mcafee sells virus software, so it will keep you concerned, but threats are real. one of the central ideas they are talking about in the threat predictions report. if you are on social media, a lot of times you are giving away tons of information about yourself. scammers can collect that information and use it to target you specifically, coming up with a span just for you and they might. in just a few clicks, cyber
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criminals can see who is tweeting, what their interests are, the operating systems and applications they are using. it's then child's play to craft a target attack. scammers might send you a tweet that says hey, you know that story you were just in, here is a product you might like. here is a link. you click on it and get malware. they believe the apple operating system will face increasing threats in the coming year. there's a lot of good warnings in here to take a look at. i have posted it at facebook and twitter pages, josh levs cnn. there's a group out there to keep people paranoid and afraid, but there's a reality to watch for the attacks. >> one of the last things you said was interesting to me. there's a myth out there that
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apple equipment doesn't get attacked this much. you are saying we are going to see more of that? >> mcafee says they will face increasing threats in the coming year. it's a prediction. until a year from now, won't be able to tell you if it will play out that way. they are expecting more attacks. >> how do they know this? how do they know it's going to happen? how do they know it's about my smartphone. it's personal prediction. >> it is. there are more people out there trying to attack smartphones and these things. they begin to see trickles in 2010. based on previous years, they are guessing for next year. no guarantees, that's right. >> josh levs, see you again later in the program. after a miserable 2009 -- ♪
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>> floor traders and investors end 2010 with something to sing about. we look back at the businesses highs and lows and find out what 2011 might hold.
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♪ >> they are even in tune. traders on the new york stock exchange sang in the new year belting out a rendition of, "wait until the sunshines nelly." they have been performing since the great depression. >> did wall street end the year on a high note. let's start with allison. >> hi, joe. no santa claus rally this year. a quiet week to close out a positive year for the stock market. the dow gained 11% in 2010. nasdaq jumped 17%. a broader s&p 500 rose 13%. new claims for unemployment fell below 100, 000 since 2008.
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they need to hold below 400,000. many are worried claims will go back up after holiday workers go back to unemployment. holiday shopping rose from 2009. it's more than a 15% jump in spending online. that's a look at the week that was. here is poppy with a look at the week ahead. >> the economy is issue number one in 2010 and will be in 2011. looking ahead to next week on wall street, the first official trading week of 2011, we'll get december sales results from retailers. all signs pointing to solid gains thanks to holiday shopping. the big number comes out on friday. that's when we get the december jobs reports. they expect a gain of 110,000
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jobs a month. unemployment is expected to remain at 9.8%. you may have heard as goes january, so goes the year. a gain for stocks in the first five days of january led to a positive return for the whole year. here is hoping for a great first week and prosperous 2011. joe, back to you. >> thanks to poppy and allison for that. a new year's eve nightmare for folks in missouri. >> patio table, chairs, barbecue grill went flying by as i went into the basement. >> every day objects fly as a tornado comes through. protecting some of your assets for retirement. an axa equitable annuity could give you... guaranteed income for life. i'd call them, but what do i know? i'm just the 800-pound gorilla in the room. don't worry. i'm here. want guaranteed income for life?
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axa equitable is redefining what you expect from annuities. ooh, peanuts. my joints ache so bad, i wake up in pain every day. i want to know why. i want to know why my hair is falling out. how did this happen? how did this happen? a little pain in my knee. that's how it started. that's how it started, this rash on my face. now it's like my body is attacking me. i want answers. announcer: when you don't have the right answers, it may be time to ask your doctor the right question. could i have lupus?
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welcome back. i'm joe johns. thanks for starting your year with us. checking our top stories, a terrible start to the new year in egypt. state media reporting an explosion outside a church in alexandria that killed 21 people. 79 others wounded. the car exploded shortly after midnight. a nearby mosque was damaged and eight muslims hurt. janet napolitano is spending the day in afghanistan.
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she's set to meet with officials. she spent new year's eve with american troops to review security operations. her week-long trip includes stops in israel and belgium. today, officials in virginia are expected to release the identities of two people killed in an aircraft collision near the airport. a medical helicopter collided with a single-engine airplane yesterday. the plane went down killing both people on board. the chopper was able to land safely. it's unclear right now what caused that collision. the new year begins on a deadly note in arkansas where authorities are waiting on sunrise to further assess the damage from a tornado that touched down friday. three people were killed in washington county. more than a dozen people hospitalized. a number of homes, buildings and a local fire station took
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damage. the national weather service saying it was an ef-4 tornado. a category f-3 hit yesterday leaving damage. from ktvi, chris hayes has the story. >> reporter: a mile-long path of damage you can see along the rooftops. >> i ran to the front window. i was looking out and saw a funnel coming down over here. i told everybody to get to the basement. trees lifted from the roots left the smell of evergreen. >> i saw something flip by, a big pressure. we went downstairs and it was over like that. >> insulation scattered like a holiday decoration. >> i saw things flying by our window on the first floor of the
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house. a patio table, chairs, barbecue grill went flying by as i was coming around the corner to get into the basement. >> reporter: this seems to be the core of destruction in the summit heights neighborhood. pieces of homes thrown into other houses. >> i looked out the garage and the lumber and everything was flying. i ran in the house, ran in the basement and grabbed the kids. that was hit. >> reporter: firefighters found at least five houses that can no longer be lived in, but no injuries so far. no one we talked to stuck around to watch the sight. >> somebody asked if i got it on video tape. i said no, i was too busy getting away from that. ft. leonard wood army base was hit. a number of injuries and damages have been reported there. it may look like bumper
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cars, but definitely not as much fun. ice and snow making colorado drivers loose control all over the place. look at that. then there's this. you can let a traffic jam ruin your day or you can turn it into a party. georgia drivers dancing in the streets. it has 35% of your daily value of fiber. tasty fiber, that's a good one! ok, her mind. [ male announcer ] fiber one chewy bars. [ slap! slap! slap! slap! slap! ] [ male announcer ] your favorite foods fighting you? fight back fast with tums. calcium rich tums goes to work in seconds. nothing works faster. ♪ tum ta tum tum tums
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>> why did he really think -- >> yikes. that's what you call a major lack of traction in colorado springs. there's video of a run away pick-up truck slip sliding away. the truck hits about every vehicle in the path. i wouldn't want to be that insurance guy. ♪ >> it's new years. it's new years. that's what we call making the best out of a bad situation.
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new year's eve revelers caught in a bumper-to-bumper traffic jam in a road. stuck motorists turned up the volume and strutted their stuff. that's fun. i didn't have that kind of fun last night, how about you mr. reynolds? >> no. i did not. has the mood ever gotten to you to hop out of a car in the middle of a traffic jam and start dancing? >> not that i can remember. >> absolutely. i'm seeing that and thinking that would be making a bad situation worse. my dancing, not so good. like to dance, but some of us aren't good at it. here is what we have. the area shaded, at least this area that's rectangle changing shape as we speak. it's a tornado watch in effect at this time. no tornado warnings but we may
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see them develop. it's moving through the heart of dixie and portions of 65. i-20, tuscaloosa, heavy storms. towards birmingham, gads and anson, you are going to see cells developing. by the superspeedway, hail and maybe a little bit of flash flooding in spots with poor drainage. the other story we are following is something you are not going to be able to see, but something you can definitely feel. we are talking the brutal cold in parts of the northern plains. look at this. the areas in the red are the blizzard warnings. when you have a blizzard, it can involve snow. it's a wind event. this is how it feels in grand forks. it feels like one degree. sioux falls, zero. the canadian border, 16 degrees
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below zero. wow. that's a way to start off the new year. in minnesota, 24 degrees. life is beautiful for the time being. the forecast around the nation is as follows. rainy in parts of the eastern sea board. if you are in d.c., it's going to be later tonight that the rain falls. for the central plains, high pressure is the dominating feature. stable conditions. flights into denver should be okay. cold, yes. out to california, another storm, not as strong as the one we have seen over the past couple weeks. you are going to see rain drops. then the san joaquin valley. more snow for ski country. great news for them. bitter cold for the plains. not something you are going to be feeling. tornadoes, a possibility. back to you, john. >> thanks so much, reynolds.
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>> you bet. >> checking back with you. >> new year's day and college football games go hand-in-hand. is so-called granddaddy of them all. the horned frogs against the wisconsin badgers. wisconsin ended the season looking like one of the hottest teams crushing their last opponent in double digits. they are out to prove they belong with the power football programs. meanwhile, college bowl fireworks next door at the georg georg georg georgiadome at the chick-fil-a bowl. the reserve quarterback puts on a show. final score, 26-17. south carolina's third consecutive bowl game loss. in the nfl, brett favre couldn't shake off his
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concussion. he's listed as doubtful to play tomorrow against detroit. favre suffered the head injury in the game against chicago on the 20th. his injuries this season ended his record for consecutive starts. he's been fined $50,000 for his alleged involvement in a sexting scandal. he was rebuked for not cooperating with the investigation. sailing for top prize in the city by the bay. san francisco has won the bidding to host the america's cup in 2013. the announcement yesterday, coming after talks between san francisco and new port, rhode island, went down to the deadline. brazilians wear their national colors with fierce patriotic pride. why isn't it fashionable to wear green and yellow today? we have unusual traditions around the world. first, we bring you fun
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facts from the top five money making movies of 2010. five, dream works, shrek forever, three was harry potter and the deathly hallows. after the break, we'll tell you the top two box office winners of the year.
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before the break, we brought you three of the five top earning movies of 2010.
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the list is from now the two biggest earners of the year. two was disney's "alice in wonderland." that was a great movie. "toy story 3" was number one. it was the highest animated film of all time. violent weather swept across the midwest. take a look at the damage in sunset hills, missouri. tornadoes knocked out power to thousands. the governor of missouri declared a state of emergency. three people died in missouri. three more died in the tiny town of cincinnati, arkansas in that same line of fast-moving storms. the tornadoes destroyed nearly everything in the town, homes, chicken farms, even the fire station. police in garland, texas.
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he's charged with shooting his friend and dumping the body at a nearby lake. he's the son of nick van excel who played 13 seasons with a variety of nba teams. he's now on the atlanta coaching staff. he and others were playing with a shotgun when it went off accidentally killing him. after hours of negotiation, an armed man who tried to rob a bank in texas surrendered peacefully yesterday. he and an accomplice took several hostages. police took that gunman early. the other held out until police stormed the bank. in the end, no one was hurt. three people hidden in the closet emerged unhurt as well. a new year's tradition. you would be surprised at how
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other countries welcome in their new year. we look at the bizarre new year's customs past and present from around the world. we'll start with brazil, i hear. >> brazilians wear white on new year. >> that's nice. >> what does white represent? purity and peace. they wear white and have an extraordinary ceremony on the beach in rio de janeiro. they put flowers and candles and jewelry on a barge and send it into the water to honor the goddess of water. >> this is going to be very nice. we have a lot of events coming up. >> yes, 2014 world cup in brazil. 2016 the olympics. >> plenty of opportunity to see the ceremonies and enjoy the brazilian music. >> music and gorgeous women, right? >> not going there.
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>> certainly brazil, just a beautiful, beautiful tradition. imagine everybody wearing white and beautiful ceremonies. then we go to the united kingdom. scotland has a fascinating tradition called first footing. that's the first person who visits your home after the new year. preferably a man. he brings coal, sugar, bread to show abundance. >> this is where it started? i was taught there was a tradition the first person to visit your home after new year's brought you good luck, if it was a man. it's a sexist notion. >> not only a man, he cannot be a red-head or a blond. you would be perfect. if it were a dark man, he could be scottish. if he was red-headed or blond, he could be -- now we go on to
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germany. germany has the tradition of taking mollton led and pouring it into cold water. depending on the shape it takes, if it were a heart or a ring, it means romance in your life. >> really? >> if it were a ship or plane, you are going to travel. if it's a pig, that means an abundant year in food. >> there's no way to game it and it's not fair to put it into a mold. >> it's like seeing a cloud. what would you like yours to say this new year? >> a dollar. >> okay abundant and prosperous. >> taiwan celebrates chinese new year. that was february 14th, our valentine's day. 2011, large chinese new year is going to take place on february 3rd. no doubt we will talk about that
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on february 3rd. the long ceremonial chinese new year. there's a taiwan new year. this is the year of the rabbit. the taiwan tradition is the night before new years, your boss takes you out. you can win anything from $50 to a mercedes-benz. >> that's a good deal. i'll take the mercedes-benz. >> then they have a chicken and you hope the head does not face you. it's not a good omen. you may be fired. >> wow. if the chicken ends up looking at you. it's not a living chicken? >> hopefully dead, but very much completely dead chicken with the head. from brazil to taiwan can be a little bizarre and different and interesting. during 8:00 hour, we're going to
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hungry and spain. have a happy 2011. >> same to you. see you in an hour. people all over the world waking up in pain this morning. well, we are here to help, of course. a look at tried and true hangover cures, next. first, if you are looking for something special about your city to brag about, how about this? men's health magazine made a list of the drunkest cities in the country. topping the list, fresno, california. then reno, nevada and billings montana. four among the golden state cities, riverside, california. fifth is austin, texas. i could have figured that one. after the break, the least drunk cities with a couple surprises. atlanta wasn't in there. go figure. now i can stop pain from any angle-- with no mess.
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(announcer) new icy hot spray. relief that's icy to dull pain, hot to relax it away. and no mess. new icy hot spray. don't mess around with pain. ♪ i haven't got time for the pain ♪ before the break, we told you what topped the list of the most drunk cities. how about the places where folks are not overdoing it. cheers to boston. this is hard to believe for
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being the least drunk city. followed by yonkers, new york then salt lake city. fifth place, this is a big sur prize to me. miami, florida. i don't know. doesn't matter where you live. last night was new year's eve. chances are you downed more than a few last night and a lot of you are hurting this morning. what is the best way to treat a hangover? elizabeth cohen put some remedies to the test. >> just in case you overindulge this new year's eve. a hair of the dog that bit you. that's right, having another drink the morning after to get over your hangover. well, this isn't a great idea. you may temporarily feel better because you are getting drunk, again. however, you are adding more
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toxins to your system. let's talk about alka-seltzer. many people use it for a hangover. it can work to settle your stomach, if that's what's bothering you. it can make your stomach feel better. remedy number three, the hangover remedies sold all over the place. doctors put them to the test and found they don't work. they are no better than a placebo. they really aren't work trying. some people take an aspirin before they go to bed. that can help a headache. however, it can irritate your stoma stomach. if your stomach is queezy and doesn't do well, they are not a good idea for you. let's move to coffee. a lot of people think i'll drink coffee, not such a great idea. here is the reason.
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it dehydrates you and you are already dehydrated, plus it can raise your blood pressure. there's one exception to this. if you are addicted to caffeine, have that cup of coffee because the last thing you want is caffeine withdrawal. now, let's move to a liquid. water. water is the best idea. it's the best remedy there is. you are hydrating yourself. that's what you need. you can do sports drinks, too. i have another terrific hangover remedy. it's called a pillow. that's right. you need to sleep it off. it's a terrific hangover remedy. to read more go, to and we go through all of them. back to you. >> elizabeth cohen. 13 rowdy beasts. the running of the bulls to a
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small pennsylvania town. that's coming up next.
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let's go cross country on this new year's day. first stop, maple hill, kansas. teenagers jumped into action when a wildfire started threatening their homes in a neighborhood. they graped shovels and rakes working alongside firefighters. this is bend, oregon. a dog ventured out on a local pond and fell through the ice. a firefighter did it to save someone else from risking his life to save the dog. pennsylvania, a rowdy group
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of bulls rambled through a neighborhood, tearing up yards and fences and forces people to hide in their homes. it took police several hours to corral the animals. nobody was hurt. happy new year, everybody. it's january 1, 2011. millions of people celebrate the new year with parties, fireworks, the times square ball drop and all kinds of other objects falling from the sky. it's a sad story this morning in the middle of the country. deadly tornadoes ripped through several states. homes demolished. residents shocked. we'll have a live report from one of the hardest hit communities. from cnn in atlanta, this is
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"cnn saturday morning." i'm joe johns. more on the holiday tragedy. six people died in a severe weather outbreak yesterday. in missouri, three people were killed as 160-mile-an-hour winds blew through dent county. it was a powerful tornado. jennifer delgado from cnn international is live in sunset hills, missouri this morning. good morning, jennifer. >> reporter: good morning, joe, you are right. i'm in sunset hills. if you look behind me, the crews are trying to secure the situation. we are dealing with a bit of clean-up out here. let's go to new video we shot moments ago. it's going to show the damage left behind to the buildings here. some of the cinder blocks are torn apart. you can see the steel rebar. all of that damaged by a series of storms that pushed through.
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they dropped down three tornadoes, starting in missouri, then through sunset hills. the area of sunset hills was hard hit. reportedly, there were homes flattened. people are still trying to clean up what is left behind. before the storm system did reach sunset hills, it actually touched down in ra la. there were two people who died there. they were actually inside a mobile home when the tornado touched down. that was actually an ef-1 compared to the ef-3 that touched down in sunset hills the late morning of new year's eve. keep in mind, people were at home. luckily, there was damage at nearby schools. people weren't in schools. we are talking the kids. luckily, there were no damages or injuries. i want to point out to you, there were minor injuries here.
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today, we are waiting for the governor, jay nixon. he's going to come out and survey the damage that's been left behind in sunset hills. as i said, it's an ef-3 now. the national weather service is going to come back out later today. there's a possibility it could have been an ef-4. with an ef-3, winds peeking up to 165 miles per hour. joe. >> jennifer, you got to witness some of the conditions firsthand. talk a little bit about that, will you? >> reporter: yeah, absolutely. yesterday morning it was new year's eve. it was about 11:45. i hear a sound outside. it sounds like a jet liner. a freight train. i was where my family lives. there was a tornado that came through and my neighborhood and some of the neighborhoods around, there were roofs ripped off. we are talking trees with roots
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roughly 30 feet. we are talking enormous trees. you could stand in front of it, put two people and stack them up and it doesn't meet how big they were. chimney's collapsed. it's going to take awhile to get homes back together. it's a big city in the suburbs of st. louis. joe. >> still keeping our eye on the situation all across the country. thanks so much for that. >> reporter: absolutely. now to northwest arkansas where three people died when a tornado struck the small town of cincinnati near the oklahoma border. several people caught under debris. at least a dozen hospitalized. homes, buildings damaged. last hour, i spoke with michael spencer. he said the pre-dawn twister caught a lot of people off
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guard. >> caller: the only warning they heard was the sound of the storm itself. when you hear that, it's too late. a lot of people did not -- i heard a lot of people saying i wish i had weather radio. we really encourage people, year round to have an emergency weather radio that will sound a siren for you. >> there may be other supplies that you might need in that area. are you getting the kinds of supplies you need beyond the issue of weather radios or what have you? >> caller: yeah, we are getting tons of supplies moved in from throughout the state of arkansas. the community is pulling together. we are making sure that everyone out here has a hot meal and warm place to stay and we'll be setting up today and meeting with the families one-on-one to talk to them and sit down and
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help them plan their steps for recovery. reynolds wolf has the latest information with the storms here at cnn weather center. we have a live situation going, huh? >> we do. one of the things we have to stress to our friends across america is when dealing with these systems, the safest place to be is underground. if you have a storm celler, the basement is the best place for you. in arkansas and missouri, that wasn't an option. they didn't have real shelter. the thing to recall, these storms struck around 6:00 local time in parts of arkansas. their time was -- actually the moment they had to prepare was minimal. they didn't have a lot of time, really, to take cover. that should not be the situation in parts of alabama. we have a tornado watch that remains in effect at this time. many of these places are places that's not uncommon to have tornadoes.
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that's the situation in tuscaloosa. a few locations we are taking a peek at. we have a few cells coming through. if you look to the west, one mean looking line, the storms coming through. intense wind, rain and the possibility of the tornadoes. in this part of the world, you have a lot of hills and pine trees to get the field of vision in texas and oklahoma. you are not going to have a great deal of warning. many of the tornadoes, should they form might be rain wrapped and hard to see. to the north, the story is different. it is not storms in terms of tornadoes, but rather the wind and cold air. it's going to be brutal in grand forks. currently feels like 2 degrees right now. montana and dakota border feels like two in rapid city. it's going to remain cold as we have the blizzard warning in
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effect. a quick look at the national perspective. ten is the high. seattle, the high for you. 63 in san diego. 45 in new york with a chance of showers later in the day. san antonio by the river walk with 67. you lucky devils in miami, take a look at that. 70 degrees. mostly sunny skies. what a way to ring in the new year. >> they are not enjoying it. we hear they don't drink much in miami. >> mind numbing. >> why drink if you have the sun. >> there you go. more people are choosing to travel by road this holiday season. that means shelling out big bucks for gas. the prices are going up. samantha hayes is standing by live at the i-95 north of baltimore. it could get really expensive for drivers, couldn't it? i have been seeing the prices ticking up and up. >> reporter: yeah, that's right,
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joe. in certain parts of the country, in some states the price of gas remains low generally speaking. in a lot of parts of the country, this is what we are dealing with north of baltimore. over $3 a gallon. you have heard some analysts expect it to go to $4 or even $5 by the spring. a lot of people are traveling by car over the holidays this past year, maybe people will change their plans when it comes to memorial day and other three-day weekends if the price of gas continues to go up. this wraps up the holiday season of traveling, joe. the auto club, aaa estimated more people would be traveling. it would be up 3% overall. 92 million americans would be traveling at least 50 miles or more. i think most of us travel 50 miles or more even if we stay locally in the area. it's up for air travel, too.
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about 3%. most people get in their car to go to where they are going over christmas and the new year's weekend. that is what we are seeing this weekend. all though, joe, you know, all those poor folks who got stuck in airports over the christmas holiday may reconsider their air travel planning for new years. never the less, most people getting in cars to go to where they are going. traffic is picking up here. maybe folks coming back from times square. >> sure. it's funny. i had to travel during that period. that i-95 corridor from washington up to new york and on to boston, it was just crazy. you couldn't get to new york city in a plane. you took a train. the traffic was all jammed up. a really tough time there for people trying to travel during the holidays. thanks so much for that. >> reporter: yeah. sounds good, joe. a million people watched
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live and millions more around the world as new york city welcomed in 2011. this is perhaps the best known new year's eve celebration in the world along with the huge crystal ball. more than a ton of confetti rained down on the crowd. that ton of confetti is only the start for the clean-up crews. partiers left tons more trash behind. police removed most of the trash containers. there was no place to get rid of it but in the street. nashville dropped a ten-foot gibson guitar. look at that. but then what else would you drop there? that tradition is only two years old. looks as if it could become a fixture. when the guitar hit bottom, it triggered cheers and fireworks as people said good-bye to 2010 and hello to the new year. in seattle, this was the scene there. washington state, the stroke of
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midnig midnight, fireworks blasting off on the space needle. it was a massive show that lasted eight minutes long. thousands of people gathered around the needle to take it in. hundreds of thousands caught the show from surrounding neighborhoods. tornadoes tore through the middle of the country yesterday. our i-reporters covered it from their angle. lots of discounts on car insurance. can i get in on that? are you a safe driver? yes. discount! do you own a home? yes. discount! are you going to buy online? yes! discount! isn't getting discounts great? yes! there's no discount for agreeing with me. yeah, i got carried away. happens to me all the time. helping you save money -- now, that's progressive. call or click today. my joints ache so bad, i wake up in pain every day. i want to know why. i want to know why my hair is falling out. how did this happen?
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how did this happen? a little pain in my knee. that's how it started. that's how it started, this rash on my face. now it's like my body is attacking me. i want answers. announcer: when you don't have the right answers, it may be time to ask your doctor the right question. could i have lupus? more pictures are coming in from the deadly tornados that moved through the midwest yesterday. our i-reporters are capturing
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the damage. josh levs is here with that. what are we seeing? >> our i-reporters did it. stay safe. when the storms are out there, we get images. photos from sunset hills, missouri. it's in the northeast corner near illinois. lots of damage there. cars flung around. roof damage. you can see all sorts of homes destroyed. this is from our i-reporter there who was able to get so many pictures. meanwhile, her home is fine. she was able to see all this around her. let's go to video now that's interesting. this is in missouri. he was in his house when the tornado was coming along. hit his neighborhood.
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he said it wasn't until he heard police sirens and turned on the tv he learned what it was. his house was untouched. you can see trees down. some of the damage in that area absolutely striking. this is the kind of thing we hear about the tornadoes and storms. they get areas intensely then around the corner, homes that are fine. that's the experience he had. here is something i have never seen before. more i-reports. listen to this dog respond to the tornado siren. that is from chris freeland in st. louis who said this was taken around 11:30 a.m. local time there. listen to that. the storm passed by 12:30 p.m.
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fortunately he did not receive damage at that home. he did see damage in other areas nearby. he said his neighborhood seemed to have been spared. listen to that. >> that ease amazing. >> that's amazing. i want to show everyone there's more pictures we have up for you at the photos are striking. having covered the storms, i'm used to seeing these images. it's a reminder of how powerful the storms are when they strike. keep the stories, photos and videos coming to us. that dog, that's a first for me. >> i have heard dogs howl like that when the sirens go off. i have often wondered if it hurt their ears or if they were mimicking the noise. >> yeah. it could be either one or responding to what they are sensing in the weather as well.
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it's interesting. you have the sirens and the dogs warning you. >> that's true. you really do hear reports of animals, particularly dogs being aware something is happening in the weather before everybody else is. >> yeah, you hear about that. >> thanks so much. really interesting stuff. not every new year's resolution has to be about padlocking the refrigerator or going to the gym. for her grandmother. she thinks it's her soup huh? i'm told she's in the garden picking herbs. she is so cute. okay i'll hold. she's holding. wha? (announcer) progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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a new year's disaster in the nation's midsection. tornadoes ripped through arkansas and missouri killing six people. several others suffered serious injuries. dozens of homes and businesses were destroyed. the governor of missouri declared a state of emergency and is expected to tour hard-hit areas today. the twisters were part of a fierce storm system that hit missouri, oklahoma and illinois. another frightening new year's scenario at a prison in southern england. about midnight, 40 inmates went on a rampage smashing windows and setting fires. special teams of prison officers were called in to get things under control. no one was injured. homeland security secretary
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janet napolitano is spending new year's day in afghanistan. she's scheduled to meet with officials. she spent new year's eve with troops and visited a key point along the border in pakistan. her week-long trip includes stops in israel and belgium. with olive oil, tol you'll go from roughly 16 grams of fat to about 6. take alli with that, and you're down to 4.5. alli helps you reach a healthier weight, when you get active, eat right, and take alli. alli will block about 25% of the fat you eat. and for every two pounds you work to lose, alli can help you lose one more. fda-approved alli -- how healthy works. learn more at
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well, it's the new year and time for the new year's resolutions. in addition to any weight loss goals you may have, this is the perfect opportunity to get in better financial shape. joining us for help with that, certified financial planner of the author of "it's just money and why does it cause problems"? everybody sets goals. why don't we achieve them? >> it's similar to weight loss goals. we set goal that are unachievable. we don't make a game plan. how are you going to pull it off? >> first, the issue of unattainable goals. what is realistic?
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>> everybody's situation is different, point number two. the first thing i like to ask people is could you ask yourself how and why you get in this situation in the first place? similar to trying to lose weight. that's the first, ask how and why. second set an achievable goal. do you want to get out of debt? do you have $20,000 of credit card debt? what is the realistic number you can do every month? >> any suggestions on financial setbacks? sometimes you are going to set your goals, not achieve them and be depressed. >> the fourth point is to enlist the help of someone? if you have a financial adviser, it could be a tresed friend. we would like to see accountability. if every month you could go over how you are doing. then, when you have a setback, again, like a diet, if you blow
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it at the buffet, the next day, wake up and get back on the horse. check in with that person and don't give up. >> okay. the other thing i have heard a lot of people say is when you are a couple -- >> yes. >> -- and you are working on your financial situation, there's a person that takes the lead and a person that follows. >> right. >> the mistake is only one person has the financial information. >> right and spending is typically a group effort. everybody needs to be involved. i would recommend a monthly siddown with the person in charge explaining this is how we are doing and what we are trying to accomplish and get them engaged in the process. >> what if that other person doesn't want to be engaged? it's tough. >> that's part of the problem. it's hard to share the burden of the finances on your own. i could use an ear, just an ear to listen to.
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>> these are great financial tips. a lot of people don't think of that stuff. >> they don't. >> thanks for sharing with us. >> i have three quick resolutions. the first is if you have a 401(k) or ira, contribute up to the employer match. it's free money. if you are contributing, boost up 1% or 2% more a year. it's going to make a huge difference over the long term. the third thing for those blessed enough, hit the government maximum. they let you put $16,500 away every year free of tax. if you are 50, 22,000. thanks for that. >> good. >> we'll be right back. it's a wonderful day of the year for college football fans. we are talking about all the big games.
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new year's day equals college football and a lot of schools are duking it out at the various bowls. let's start with the granddaddy of them all. >> the rose bowl. >> tcu and wisconsin. what are you thinking? >> very interesting match-up. tcu is why i'm a huge advocate for a playoff in college football. here is a team who has not lost a regular season game in two years. they won 25 straight games. longest winning streak in the
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country yet they are shut out of the bcs championship. >> it's ridiculous. >> it's ridiculous. they are good, they scare team. wisconsin is scared. >> if they beat wisconsin, that's saying something. >> they are considered, in the state of texas, the red-headed stepchild. you have texas tech, nearby oklahoma, they are not on television every weekend. they are not the underdogs, they are favored a bit. they are the prime reason why we need a playoff in major college football. >> we have the outback bowl. >> the big story, the two coaches. joe is 84 years old. >> still not retiring? >> there's reports he may retire and step down after the season. some say he's got health concerns. however he said yesterday, i'm not going anywhere. today, his 37th bowl game. he's been the coach since


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